Industry Partners


Recognising our strong relationships with the search industry and the unique perspective that different companies can bring, Conveyancing Information Executive (CIE) decided to achieve this goal by offering non-search companies the opportunity to have a more influential role within CIE. While CIE will remain a search-led organisation, wider industry representation and knowledge to support our Board of Directors and Working Groups with decision and policy making is sought by the appointment of selected Industry Partners.


The CIE Standards set the framework for the highest professional standards expected as Members of the CIE have undertaken to maintain. It is the cornerstone of the system of selfregulation to which they have made an ongoing commitment. These Standards protect those who will seek to rely on the information contained in the Searches produced by Members through establishing a set of best-practice obligations to customers.

Whilst we do not ask for Industry Partners to sign up to these Standards as Members do, the CIE Board expect Industry Partners to support and uphold these data standards in their interactions with and on behalf of CIE.

When assessing the suitability of a new Industry Partner the CIE Board will consider the suitability against the following criteria:

1. Current activities and memberships with the search and search data industry
2. Current data standards and data ethics as compared to CIE Standards
3. Activities and areas of expertise versus existing Industry Partners
4. Potential areas of conflict versus existing Industry Partners
5. CIE Industry Partner requirements
6. Working Group requirements

Term of Appointment

There is no fixed term given to the appointment of an Industry Partner. If an Industry Partner is appointed to a specific Working Group terms of reference will be provided by CIE.

Termination of Appointment

An Industry Partner may terminate their relationship with CIE at any time by written notice. If in the opinion of the CIE Board an Industry Partner no longer represents or embodies the Standards of CIE, the CIE Board at their sole discretion may terminate the Industry Partner on seven days written notice.